Friday, August 12, 2011

Questions regarding Tech School and a LOR from the Air Force?

I am in Security Forces Tech School right now in the Air Force. Last Friday, i had a mishap with a weapon and it unintentionally fired. I recieved a Letter of Reprimand today for that incident. This is the first problem i have had in tech school, and i plan to write a rebuttal to the LOR, but my instructor has already told me that it likely will not help. So i was wondering, what are the chances of me losing Recrutiters Assistance because of this? Also, my first duty station is supposed to be F.E. Warren, what are the odds of me losing this duty station and not being eligable for PRP becuase of this LOR? The only reason i am concerned with it is because it was a safety violation with a weapon, and now i am concerned i will not qualify for PRP. Any and all help with this will be greatly appreciated.

Do I have a good enough penis size for a woman?

That's more than enough the g-spot is only like 4 inches in so you have enough to get any woman off if you know how to hit it

Whats wrong with me....?

I cant make emotional connections with people..I don't feel connected to family members or even my boyfriend but I know I care for them I just feel like I cant break through something inside me to be able to make that bond. Although I can/do make emotional connections with animals, such as my two dogs. I feel like im their protector and that they rely one me and will love me no matter what and will never hurt/leave/disappoint me. I want to feel this way with people I care about in my life. I just don't know how. I know im capable of making these human connections because I have before when I was younger I felt this way with my close friends (but never really did with my family), who I no longer have due to falling outs (my friends not my family). I have felt this way for years im 21 now and have been feeling this way for about 5-6 years, and have started taking antidepression medication about a year ago it has helped me feel better and be happier but im still not about to make emotional bonds. feeling this emotional block from other humans is making me feel very alone and isolated.

How to quit your job when your boss relies on you for an important project?

Just be honest and direct. Offer to put some time in to help train a replacement. That is the proper thing to do. Ultimately, you can't help how he reacts. Eventually, he will get over it.

Does any one know of a good place for a baby shower in Port Huron or Warren area?

I'm planning my baby shower and i am either gonna have it in Port Huron so its close to my friends and family or have it near where i am at which is in Warren, it wont be til this November but i would like to get all planned out.

Smoked spice for the first time. bad trip.?

NAH your fine. lol each brand will give you a different feeling. I would try some different stuff. See which one you like better FAIR WARNING!!! some give you intense headaches after you come down... and in some states it is now illegal to smoke Spice.

Will my penis grow any more?

im 17 and im wondering will my penis grow any more? is there any 1 out there who was a late grower? or is it not possible and what i have now is it for life?